Stud dog


Coffey comes from a kennel in Romania - DreamBully Romania. His pedigree is dominated by Muscletone lines and is loaded with famous names, champions and grand champions.

His father is Champion AX, a direct son of Gr.Ch. Yon from Big Dogs Romania. AX is the result of the union of the blood of Big Dogs Romania, for me the most famous founders of Muscletone's line - Casablanca, Magoo.

His mother is Valentina - pure Muscletone's line, direct daughter of Gr.Ch. Clawd. In her ped, Casablanca and Magoo are then linearly connected to the AX's ped.


We primarily bought Coffey as a family dog ​​for a small child. His relationship with people and children is absolutely unmatched. He loves all the attention, children and adults. He assists our son in all activities and never gets enough of him. He allows himself to be liked by absolutely everything, he absolutely submits to our son, even if he is so small. So with Coffey, we have to watch out for the dog before the children, rather than the other way.

I have to say for myself that Coffey has the right relationship towards dogs and other animals. As part of the home dog pack, he gets along with the dogs comfortably, even bossing the bigger male dogs, but never with a heavy hand. Although, as a terrier, he sometimes to chase other cats around the garden, he gets along with home ones, and even has no problem with chickens. He's fine with other male dogs, as long as they don't want to compete - he's naturally dominant, he doesn't need to go into conflict on his own.

Coffey's calm and easy-going nature also affects his show time. He is amazingly confident in the ring, he really enjoys the show. He has no problem with other dogs, does not cause any conflicts.